Sunday, April 18, 2010

Old Factory_Big Dream

So work has officially started this weekend (the hands-on part at least) & due to an extremely high stress level last week I started to find things to daydream about to put me to sleep so I don't think about work all night & not get any sleep at all. Not healthy, I know.

So I'm fascinated with old run down buildings, old factories to be exact. I just think they have such character and to be able to restore something like that and make it your own is on my long list of ultimate dreams. I want to turn an old factory building into my space one day.

First came the Hitchner Building in West Pittston. (biscuit factory) HUGE. It's down the street from where I live which I think is where a lot of the fascination came from, I drive by it everyday. I started imagining my business getting so big that I would need a building such as this one.

One floor for offices, designing, taking orders.
Another floor for sewing the materials, custom making items for clients.
Storage of course for all the necessitates to design amazing events.
Just an entire building filled with my employees making things happen. I'm not going to share my entire dream . . that would take the fun of it away but .. it's pretty good . . . but far fetched. . but why not dream big?

SO I do a little research, asked some questions to people who I know have some knowledge about the place but I'm still not satisfied... so what do I do? I email the good ol' mayor of West Pittston for the finer details. I'm obviously not going to buy this place, but I just needed to know.. & of course when I get an idea I can't settle until I know answers. He told me what I needed to know (under a signed contract)... and directed me to a new building... & a new dream :)

The Labarre Printing company ... also in West Pittston and A LOT more practical. & up for grabs. AND $110,000. TOTALLY reasonable.

so now we're going back and forth on details with these places & my next step is to get inside_just waiting for the right time to ask him . . I think I can swing it !

So the wheels are turning.

What a rant_I feel a lot better now_for today.

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