Wednesday, March 24, 2010

An Assortment of {Tin}

Kind of a random post. .
but since Jason & I moved into our house we've gone through 6 different sets of canisters {I told you . . random} We're still making the transition in our kitchen from this terrible green we picked out back to white. {fresh start} I hate the canisters we currently have & while I was sitting in the kitchen this morning having my coffee I noticed the tins I have in my corner cabinet & realized how much I like them. Then I decided I'm just going to buy a random array of tins . . and use them as my canisters. I'm just really over having "matching sets" of anything. So yes that was the big dilemma I solved this morning.
Then I hopped on Etsy and started searching & here are a few of my favorites.

I somehow managed to find these which match a set I already have. Yup, I bought them. I know I said I don't like matching sets BUT the fact that they're all different shapes & sizes still gives me the satisfaction that they're totally different.

Monday, March 22, 2010

{Colorful} Desert

There's certainly nothing barren about this photoshoot. The sand acts as a perfect background to show off this season's brilliant patterns ! {love the use of the camel}

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Unknown Artists

Before the weather broke (well. . sort of) and my only option of exercising was on the treadmill, I made it a point to watch all the movies/documentaries/shows that Jason wouldn't necessarily be too thrilled to watch {I can only take advantage of his inability to say no so many times}. One of my favorites, I'd have to say, was Valentino:The Last Emperor.
Yes, he was an amazing artist and had a fantastic eye for beauty, but what I really get into when it comes to a designer; who is their seamstress? I am completely amazed by peoples ability when they can sew. . . I mean really sew; by hand is even better. Which is how Valentino is run. Completely by hand. I wish they showed more of the women who worked there and created these amazing dresses. It just fascinates me {which is why when at Matthew Williamson, any chance I had to be in the basement where the sewing floor was_that's where I was}

Why didn't I listen to my mom and become a seamstress? What a dying art; and the women who are capable;

::it's never too late though, right?:

Thursday, March 4, 2010

{Tufted} Love

i really like the idea of buying this brown leather tufted couch and changing the cushions to some big plush comfortable fabric ones.

Once again . .. I need a lot more rooms to fill it with all the furniture I love. For now .. I can enjoy the pictures.